Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Free Pattern - 1942 Bulky Cable Cardigan Sweater #997

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Vintage 1942 Bulky Cable Cardigan Sweater #997
A new twist on an old favorite…with double yarn, this short sleeved, chunky cable cardigan will be easy to own…note the roomy pockets.

12, 14, 16, & 18
Directions are for size 12, with changes for 14, 16 & 18 in brackets.

Chadwick’s Red Heart Knitting Worsted, 1 oz balls or 2 oz skeins:  17 [19-20-23] oz.
Pair Wooden Knitting Pins #13 [9 ¼ mm]
Double Pointed [DP] Needle

Bust:  32” [34”-36”-39”]
Width across back at underarm:  16” [17”-18”-19 ½”]
Width across each front at underarm:  8” [8 ½”-9”-9 ¾”]
Length from top of shoulder:  21” [22”-22”-23”]
Side seam:  14” [14 ½”-14 ½”-15”]
Sleeve seam:  3 ½” [4”-4”-4”]
Width of sleeve at upperarm:  12 ½” [13”-13”-13 ½”]

3 ½ sts = 1”
5 rows = 1”
Double yarn is used throughout the pattern.
Cardigan is worked in 1 piece up to underarm.

1ST ROW:  [K 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] 4 times; [k 3, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] twice; [k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] twice; k 2,  p 6, k 2.

2ND ROW:  K across.

[K 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] 3 times; [k 3, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] 4 times; k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2.

2ND ROW:  K across.

  [K 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] twice; [k 3, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] 6 times; k 2, p 6, k 2.

2ND ROW:  K across.

  [K 2, p 6, k 2, p 2[ twice; [k 3, p 2] 3 times; [k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] twice; [k 3, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2] twice; k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2, [k 3, p 2] 3 times; k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2.

2ND ROW:  K across.

Cast on [with double yarn] 116 [126-136-146] sts.

Rep 1st & 2nd rows of rib patt alternately until 5 rows have been completed.

6TH ROW:  Make cable over each group of 6 stockinette sts across row.—To make cable, sl 3 sts onto dp needle & hold in back of work, k next 3 sts, k sts from dp needle. – There are 9 cables across row.

Rep these 6 rows for patt until piece meas 14” [14 ½”-14 ½”-15”].

With right side facing you, work across 1st 24 [25-28-30] sts.

For armhole, bind off tightly next 8 [10-10-11] sts.

For back, work across following 52 [56-60-64] sts.

For other armhole, bind off tightly next 8 [10-10-11] sts.

Work across rem 24 [25-28-30] sts.

Turn & work over last set of st only, dec 1 st at armhole edge on next row & every other row thereafter, until there rem 21 [22-25-26] sts.

Work straight until piece meas from 1st row of armhole shaping 5” [5 ½”-5 ½”-5 ½”].

To shape neck, bind off 9 sts at front edge once. 

Work straight over rem 12 [13-16-17] sts until piece meas from 1st row of armhole shaping 7” [7 ½”-7 ½”-8”].  Fasten off.

Attach yarn at left armhole edge.  Dec 1 st at end of each row until there rem 42 [44-50-52] sts.

Work straight until piece meas from 1st row of armhole shaping 7” [7 ½”-7 ½”-8”].

Bind off for shoulder 12 [13-16-17] sts.

Bind off next 18 sts for back of neck.

Bind off for other shoulder rem 12 [13-16-17] sts.

Attach yarn at armhole edge & work to correspond with left front.

Cast on [with double yarn] 40 [44-44-46] sts.

1ST ROW:  K 1, [k 3 - k 3 - p 1, k 3] [p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2] 3 times; p 2,
then k 1 [k 3 - k 3 - k 3, p 1].

2ND ROW:  K across.

Rep 1st & 2nd rows alternately until 5 rows have been completed.

6TH ROW:  Make cable over each group of 6 stockinette sts across row.  

There are 3 cables across row.

Rep these 6 rows for patt until piece meas 3 ½” [4”-4”-4”].

To shape top, bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

Dec 1 st at end of each row until there rem 22 [26-26-28] sts.

Dec 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row 3 [4-4-5] times.

Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

Bind off rem 12 [14-14-14] sts.

Cast on [with double yarn], 18 sts.

1ST ROW:  K 2, p 2, k 2, p 6, k 2, p 2, k 2.

2ND ROW:  K across.

Rep 1st & 2nd rows alternately until 5 rows have been completed.

6TH ROW:  K 6, make cable over next 6 sts, k 6.

Rep these 6 rows until piece meas 5”.  Fasten off.

Block to measurements.

Sew shoulder, underam & sleeve seams.

Sew in sleeves.

With single strand of yarn, work 2 rows of sc around neck.

Work 1 row of sc around pockets & sew on pockets as shown in photo.