Thursday, November 22, 2018

Free Pattern - Vintage 1945 Elegant Motif Crochet Purse #265

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!
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Vintage 1945 Elegant Motif Crochet Purse #265
J & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 3 balls
#5 Steel Crochet Hook
1/2 yd Crinoline Material
1 yd Lining Material
11” Zipper

Each motif measures about 1 ¾” square.

Use thread double throughout.

BET                =  Between                            
CH                  =  Chain
CONT             =  Continue                           
DC                  =  Double Crochet
DEC               =  Decrease                           
INC                 =  Increase
MEAS             =  Measure                            
PATT              =  Pattern
REM               =  Remain                              
REP                =  Repeat
SC                  =  Single Crochet                 
SK                   =  Skip
SL                   =  Slip                                     
ST                   =  Stitch
TOG                =  Together                            
YO                  =  Yarn Over

Ch 6.  Join with sl st to form ring.

1st rnd:  Ch 3, 20 dc in ring.  Sl st in 1st dc.  Ch 1, turn.

2nd rnd:  Sc in back loop of each dc around.  Sl st in 1st sc.  Ch 1, turn.

3rd rnd:  Sl st in back loop of st where sl st was made on 1st rnd, ch 3, in same place make dc, ch 3 & 2 dc, * dc in free loop of each of next 4 sts on 1st rnd, in next free loop make 2 dc, ch 3 & 2 dc.  Rep from * around, end with sl st in top st of starting ch-3.  Ch 1, turn.

4th rnd:  Sc in back loop of each st around.  Sl st in 1st sc.  Break off.  Make 80 motifs in all.

Sew motifs together as shown on chart, catching only the free loop of sts on 3rd rnd [allowing ridge to stand]. 

Cut 2 pieces of lining material same as crocheted piece [including points]. 

Cut crinoline ¼” smaller all around. 

Face crinoline with one piece of lining material. 

Cover other side of crinoline with lining material, turning in all edges & sewing with sl sts all around. 

Note:  Cardboard or lightweight plastic may be inserted between crinoline & lining to give shape of bag extra support.

Sew lining to wrong side of crocheted piece. 

Fold piece in half [lining inside] & pin top edges together. 

Fold in 4 motifs at each end to form gussets [dotted lines on chart]. 

Sew side edges.  Sew zipper along opening.

Loop:  1st row:  Ch 5.  Sc in 2nd ch from hook & in next 3 ch.  Ch 1, turn.

2nd row:  Sc in each sc across. 

Rep 2nd row until piece measures 5”.  Break off. 

Sew long edges together. 

Sew ends together, forming a loop. 

Sew this end of loop to zipper pull. 

Make 2 motifs & sew them together back to back. 

Sew one corner of joined motifs to free end of loop