Thursday, November 15, 2018

Free Pattern - Infants Knit Jacket & Bonnet Set #B197

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!

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  Infants Knit Jacket & Bonnet Set #B197

Directions are for 6-month size.

Changes for 1 year size are in parentheses.

Nomotta Non-Shrink Mothproof Baby Wool 1 oz
Pompadour 1 oz:
2 (3) Balls White (A); 1 Balls Contrasting Color (Cc)
1 Pair Needles #2
4 Small Pearl Buttons
Steel Crochet Hook #4

8 sts = 1”
12 rows = 1”

The Jacket is worked in one piece to underarm.

On an uneven number of sts.

ROWS 1 & 2: With CC, K 1, P 1 across row, end with K l.

ROW 3: With A, rep Row 1.

ROW 4: With A, p across row.
ROW 6: With A, p across row.

Rep these 6 rows for patt.


WITH CC, cast on 163 (175) sts.

START with p row, work in St st for 6 rows, end with k row.

NEXT ROW: P 1, then P 2 tog across rem sts; 82 (88) sts rem.

WITH A, K 1, *YO, K 1; rep from * across; 163 (175) sts.

THIS completes eyelets.

WITH A, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row.

CHANGE to Patt st & work until there are 10 (11) CC stripes, end with Row 3 (work should meas about 5” (5½”) straight up from hemline).

DIVIDE work as follows:
P 38 (42) sts (Left Front), bind off next 6 sts (Left Armhole), P 75 (79) sts (Back), bind off next 6 sts (Right Armhole), p rem 38 (42) sts (Right Front).

BREAK yarn & sl all sts on a holder.

WITH CC, cast on 45 (49) sts & work in St st for 6 rows.

NEXT ROW: P 1, then P 2 tog across rem sts; 23 (25) sts.

WITH A, work Eyelet Row same as for Body (hemline); 45 (49) sts.

WITH A, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row.

CHANGE to Patt st& work 1”, then inc 1 st at each side of next row.

REP this in­c every 6th row 3 (4) times more; 53 (59) sts.

WORK straight until there are 11 (12) CC stripes, end with Row 2 (sleeve should meas about 5½” (6”) from hemline).

BIND off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows & sl rem 47 (53) sts on a holder.

WORK 2nd sleeve to corres & leave on needle.

JOIN all sections tog as follows:
K across 38 (42) sts of Right Front, work across 47 (53) sts for one sleeve, work across 75 (79) sts for Back, work across sts on needle for 2nd sleeve, then work across 38 (42) sts for Left Front; 245 (269) sts.

P across all sts.

WORK in Patt st for 11 rows.

DEC 26 (25) sts across next row (p tog about every 8th & 9th st, (9th & 10th) st).

REP this dec every 6th row 6 (7) times more, always have 1 st less bet dec after each dec row; 63 (69) sts rem.

WORK 1 CC stripe & bind off loosely with A.

PRESS lightly & sew seams.

FOLD along eyelet row, turn back all hems & sew to wrong side.

WITH A & right side toward you, work 1 row of sc along Right Front edge.

NEXT ROW: WORK 1 row of Picots around neck edge as follows:

WORK 2 sc in corner st, *ch 2, draw up lp in same st as last st, draw up lp in next st, YO & draw thru all 3 lps on hk, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts; rep from * around work 2 sc in corner st; now, work 1 row of sc along Left Front edge.

WORK 3 (ch-2) buttonloops on Right Front of Yoke, place top lp close to neck edge.

WITH CC, cast on 93 (99) sts.

START at face edge, work in St st for 6 rows.

DEC across next p row for Eyelets; 47 (50) sts.

WORK Eyelet Row same as for jacket.

WITH A, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row.

CHANGE to Patt st& work until there are 4 (5) CC stripes (about 2½” (3”) from hemline).

CHANGE to St st & with A only, work straight until work meas 4” (4½”) from hemline end with p row.

DEC 3 sts evenly spaced across next K row (90) sts. P back.

1ST DEC ROW: *K 8 (9), K 2 tog; rep from * across row; (9 sts dec); 81 (90) sts rem. P back.

2ND DEC: *K 7 (8), K 2 tog; rep from * across; (9 sts dec); 72 (81) sts rem.

CONT to dec 9 sts across every k row until 18 sts rem always have 1 st less bet dec after each dec row.

BREAK yarn leave 12” end.

DRAW end thru all 18 sts twice, & sew back seam to 1st dec row.

TURN back hem at face edge & sew to wrong side.

WITH A, work 1 row of sc around lower back edge, then work 1 row of Picots same as for neck edge.

LEAVE yarn & work CHIN STRAP as follows:
Ch 22, 1 sc in 5th ch from hk (BUTTONLOOP), 1 sc in next ch, ch 2, sk 2 ch (2ND BUTTONLOOP), 1 sc in each ch to end.

TURN & work 1 row of sc around strap, work 2 sc under (ch-2) lp & 4 sc under end (ch-5) lp.

PRESS lightly.


*                                   repeat instructions following  single asterisk as directed
* *                                repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or                                      repeat from a given set of instructions
”                                   inch[es]
Alt                              alternate
Approx                      approximately
Beg                             begin/beginning
Bet                             between
Bl                                back loop[s]
Bo                               bobble
Bp                               back post
Bpdc                          back post double crochet
Bpsc                           back post single crochet
Bptr                           back post treble/triple crochet
Ca                               color A
Cb                               color B
Cc                               contrasting color
Ch                               chain stitch
Ch                               refers to chain or space previously
made: e.g                  ch-1 space
ch-sp                          chain space
Cl                               cluster
Cm                              centimeter[s]
Compl                        complete
Cont                           continue
Dc                               double crochet
Dc2tog                      double crochet 2 stitches together
Dec                             decrease/decreases/decreasing
Dtr/Dtrc                   double treble/triple crochet
fl                                front loop[s]
Foll                            follow/follows/following
Fp                               front post
Fpdc                           front post double crochet
Fpsc                           front post single crochet
Fptr                           front post treble/triple crochet
G                                 gram
Hdc                            half double crochet
Hk                               hook
Inc                               increase/increases/increasing
Incl                             inclusive
K                                 knit
lp[s]                            loop[s]
M                                 meter[s]
M                                 mesh
Mc                               main color
Meas                          measure
Mm                              millimeter[s]
O                                 over [yarn over]
Oz                               ounce[s]
P                                 picot or purl
Pat[s] or patt          pattern[s]
Pc st or Pc              popcorn stitch
Pm                               place marker
Prev                           previous
PSSO                         pass slip stitch over
Rem                            remain/remaining
Rep                             repeat[s]
Rnd[s]                        round[s]
Rs                               right side
Sc                               single crochet
Sc2tog                      single crochet 2 stitches together
Sdc                             short double crochet [half double crochet]
Sk                               skip
Sl st                           slip stitch
Sp[s]                           space[s]
St[s]                           stitch[es]
Tch or t-ch               turning chain
Tbl                              through back loop
Tog                             together
Tr or Trc                  treble/triple crochet
Trtrc or T Trc         triple treble/triple crochet
Ws                              wrong side
YB                               yarn back
Yd[s]                           yard[s]
YF                               yarn forward
Yo                               yarn over
Yoh                             yarn over