Monday, November 26, 2018

Free Pattern - 1945 Clever Cylinder Bag Purse #709

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!
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Vintage 1945 Clever Cylinder Bag Purse #709 

Quick & easy to create, this sophisticated handbag will become a season-spanning favorite!

Hiawatha Super Corde Art. #38 or #39, 3 tubes,
Hiawatha Super Twist Rayon Cord Art #41, 4 tubes,
Hiawatha Nylon Corde Art #48, 3 tubes [180 yd tubes]
Steel crochet hook #0
OR Bone crochet hook #3
10” Talon Slide Fastener Style #148 [a zipper]
Hiawatha Lining Material & Buckram Art #H-113
2 Hiawatha Lucite Rings #6223

Starting at center, ch 5.  Join with sl st to form ring.

1ST RND:  Ch 1, 12 sc in ring.  Join with sl st to 1st sc.

2ND RND:  Ch 3, dc in next 3 sc, ch 1, work 3 dc over last 3 dc made [inserting hk bet starting ch-3 & 1st dc & completely covering 1st 3 dc], * dc in next 3 sc, ch 1, work 3 dc over last group of 3 dc.  Rep from * 2 more times.  Join to top of 1st dc.

3RD RND:  Ch 1, work 6 sc over each double dc group [24 sc].  Join.

4TH RND:  Same as 2nd rnd [8 groups].  Join.

5TH RND:  Same as 3rd rnd.

6TH RND:  Same as 2nd rnd [16 groups].

7TH RND:  Work 4 sc over each double dc group [64 sc].

Outer edge of circle should meas about 13”.

If circle is not large enough, cont to work sc around, inc as necessary to keep work flat, until proper size is reached.  Join, fasten off.

1ST ROW:  Starting at one long end, * ch 5, work 3 dc in 4th ch from hk.  Rep from * across until row meas 11”.  Ch 3, turn.

2ND ROW:  Dc in 3 dc & in top of ch-5, ch 1, work 4 dc over last 4 dc made [inserting hk bet turning ch-3 & 1st dc].  * Dc in next 3 dc & in top of ch-5, ch 1, work 4 dc over last 4 dc made.  Rep from * across.  Ch 3, turn.

3RD ROW:  Dc in 4 dc of 1st group, ch 1, work 4 dc over last 4 dc made, * dc in 4 dc of next group, ch 1, 4 dc over last 4 dc made.  Rep from * across.  Ch 3, turn.

Rep 3rd row until piece meas 13”.

Do not fasten off, but work chs & scs all around, to form straight edge.

Work sc around, working sc in each sc, sc over each ch, & 3 sc in corners.  Join & fasten off.

Cut 2 pieces of cardboard exact size of circles.

Cover cardboard circles with lining.

Cut linings & interlining [buckram] for cylinder, following directions in kit #H-113.

Complete lining [with slide fastener].

Sew crocheted pieces tog.

Sew crocheted bag in place around lining, tacking securely along edge of circles.

Make 2 pieces of single crochet 2” X 2 ¼” & sew on rings, as shown in photo.

For pull, work 2 pieces same as 1st 3 rnds of circles, sl st tog, make 2” ch, sew to slide fastener [zipper] tab.

Cardboard or lightweight plastic may be inserted between bag & lining to give shape of bag extra support.


*                                   repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed
* *                                repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or                                      repeat from a given set of instructions
”                                   inch(es)
Alt                              alternate
Approx                      approximately
Beg                             begin/beginning
Bet                             between
Bl                                back loop(s)
Bo                               bobble
Bp                               back post
Bpdc                          back post double crochet
Bpsc                           back post single crochet
Bptr                           back post treble/triple crochet
Ca                               color A
Cb                               color B
Cc                               contrasting color
Ch                               chain stitch
Ch                               refers to chain or space previously
made: e.g                  ch-1 space
ch-sp                          chain space
Cl                               cluster
Cm                              centimeter(s)
Cont                           continue
Dc                               double crochet
Dc2tog                      double crochet 2 stitches together
Dec                             decrease/decreases/decreasing
Dtr/Dtrc                   double treble/triple crochet
fl                                front loop(s)
Foll                            follow/follows/following
Fp                               front post
Fpdc                           front post double crochet
Fpsc                           front post single crochet
Fptr                           front post treble/triple crochet
G                                 gram
Hdc                            half double crochet
Hk                               hook
Inc                               increase/increases/increasing
lp(s)                           loop(s)
M                                 meter(s)
M                                 mesh
Mc                               main color
Meas                          measure
Mm                              millimeter(s)
O                                 over (yarn over)
Oz                               ounce(s)
P                                 picot
Pat(s) or patt           pattern(s)
Pc                               popcorn
Pm                               place marker
Prev                           previous
Rem                            remain/remaining
Rep                             repeat(s)
Rnd(s)                        round(s)
Rs                               right side
Sc                               single crochet
Sc2tog                      single crochet 2 stitches together
Sdc                             short double crochet (half double crochet)
Sk                               skip
Sl st                           slip stitch
Sp(s)                          space(s)
St(s)                           stitch(es)
Tch or t-ch               turning chain
Tbl                              through back loop
Tog                             together
Tr or Trc                  treble/triple crochet
Trtrc                         triple treble/triple crochet
Ws                              wrong side
Yd(s)                          yard(s)
Yo                               yarn over

Yoh                             yarn over hook