Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Free Pattern - 1940s Frilly Lace Triple Thread Snood #959

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1940s Frilly Lace Triple Thread Snood #959

Clark’s Anchor Pearl Cotton Cronita, Size 5, 10 balls any color
Casein crochet hook #6
11” Round elastic


Ch 51 to meas 12”.

1ST ROW:  Sc in 5th ch from hk, * ch 3, sk 2 ch, sc in next ch.  Rep from * across [16 lps].  Ch 3, turn.

2ND ROW:  * Sc in next lp, ch 3.  Rep from * across.  Ch 4, turn.

3RD ROW:  * Sc in next lp, ch 4.  Rep from * across.  Ch 5, turn.

Cont in this manner, always making 1 ch more in each lp on each row until there are 9 ch in each lp.

Work straight [ch-9 lps] for 13 rows.

NEXT ROW:  Work as for last row to within last lp ending with an sc, ch 5, dtr in last lp. [1 lp dec].  Ch 9, turn.  Rep last row until 6 lps rem.  Fasten off.

Sew one end of elastic to each end of foundation ch securely.

Attach triple strand to thread & work row of sc closely across foundation ch keeping work flat.

Then working over elastic in order to conceal it, make 2 sc in each lp around to where thread was attached.  Join & fasten off.

1ST ROW:  Find center of foundation ch & mark with pin.  Meas off 3 ¾” on each side of pin & mark with pins.  Remove center pin.  Attach thread [3 strands] to lp at 1 pin mark & ch 5, * in 1st half of lp make tr, ch 1 & tr; ch 1, in 2nd half of lp on other side of sc, make [tr, ch1] twice & tr.  Rep from * across to pin mark at other side.  Ch 5, turn.

2ND ROW:  * In next ch-1 sp make tr, ch 1 & tr; ch 1.  Rep from * across.  Ch 1 turn.

3RD ROW:  2 Sc in each ch-1 sp across.  Fasten off.

Sew each end of Frill to Snood directly behind beg & end of Frill, keeping short sides flat.


*                                   repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed
* *                                repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or                                      repeat from a given set of instructions
”                                   inch(es)
Alt                              alternate
Approx                      approximately
Beg                             begin/beginning
Bet                             between
Bl                                back loop(s)
Bo                               bobble
Bp                               back post
Bpdc                          back post double crochet
Bpsc                           back post single crochet
Bptr                           back post treble/triple crochet
Ca                               color A
Cb                               color B
Cc                               contrasting color
Ch                               chain stitch
Ch                               refers to chain or space previously
made: e.g                  ch-1 space
ch-sp                          chain space
Cl                               cluster
Cm                              centimeter(s)
Cont                           continue
Dc                               double crochet
Dc2tog                      double crochet 2 stitches together
Dec                             decrease/decreases/decreasing
Dtr/Dtrc                   double treble/triple crochet
fl                                front loop(s)
Foll                            follow/follows/following
Fp                               front post
Fpdc                           front post double crochet
Fpsc                           front post single crochet
Fptr                           front post treble/triple crochet
G                                 gram
Hdc                            half double crochet
Hk                               hook
Inc                               increase/increases/increasing
lp(s)                           loop(s)
M                                 meter(s)
M                                 mesh
Mc                               main color
Meas                          measure
Mm                              millimeter(s)
O                                 over (yarn over)
Oz                               ounce(s)
P                                 picot
Pat(s) or patt          pattern(s)
Pc                               popcorn
Pm                               place marker
Prev                           previous
Rem                            remain/remaining
Rep                             repeat(s)
Rnd(s)                        round(s)
Rs                               right side
Sc                               single crochet
Sc2tog                      single crochet 2 stitches together
Sdc                             short double crochet (half double crochet)
Sk                               skip
Sl st                           slip stitch
Sp(s)                          space(s)
St(s)                           stitch(es)
Tch or t-ch               turning chain
Tbl                              through back loop
Tog                             together
Tr or Trc                  treble/triple crochet
Trtrc                         triple treble/triple crochet
Ws                              wrong side
Yd(s)                          yard(s)

Yo                               yarn over