Friday, October 19, 2018

Free Pattern - 1959 Mohair “Bows” Stole Wrap #349

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Vintage 1959 Mohair “Bows” Stole Wrap #349

Bernat Mohair spun [1 oz pull skeins - 11, or
Bernat Astrakhan [2 oz skeins] - 7
1 Pair #8 Knitting Needles
8 Small Pearls
48 Bugle Beads
1 Steel Crochet Hook #00
½ yd Nylon Net

4 sts = 1”;    
6 rows = 1”

BEG                =  Begin                                
CONT             =  Continue
DEC               =  Decrease                          
INC                 =  Increase
K                     =  Knit                                    
MEAS             =  Measure
P                     =  Purl                                   
PAT                =  Pattern
REM               =  Remain                             
REP                =  Repeat
SC                  =  Single Crochet                
SL ST             =  Slip Stitch
ST ST             =  Stockinette Stitch            
TOG                =  Together

Cast on 24 sts. 

P 1 row.

K 1 row.

P 1 row. 

K the next row, inc 4 sts at even intervals.

Cont in stockinette st, inc 4 sts in same manner as before every 4th row 13 times more.

Work even on 80 sts until piece meas 60”, ending with a P row.

K the next row, dec 4 sts at even intervals, & rep this dec every 4th row 13 times more.  24 sts.  Bind off.

BOW:  [Make 4 pieces.]:
Cast on 12 sts. 

Work in st st for 2 rows, end with a P row.

On next row inc 1 st each end of needle & rep this inc every other row 7 times more.

Work even on 28 sts until piece meas 15”, ending with a P row.

On next row dec 1 st each end of needle & rep this dec every other row 7 times more.  Bind off.

Ch 16, 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook & in each of rem sts, ch 1,  turn. 

Cont in sc for 1 ½”.  Fasten off.

Holding in ends of stole to meas 1 ½”, work 1 row sc around entire stole.  Block. 

Fold bow pieces in half interlining with nylon net. 

Sew pieces tog at bound off & cast on edges, cover with knot to form bows & sew to ends of stole as shown in photo. 

Trim with pearls & bugle beads, if desired.