Thursday, October 25, 2018

Free Pattern - 1950s Vogue Lace Cocktail Dress #157

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1950s Vogue Lace Cocktail Dress #157

Knitted cotton-lace makes a charming, young dress for summer afternoons & evenings.  The construction of the dress is very simple--the sleeves are knitted in one with the dress, & the back & front are identical.  Easy, flaring skirt. 

SIZES:  12, 14, 16. 
Directions are for size 12. 
Changes for sizes 14 & 16 are in brackets.

DMC Knitting Cotton Brilliant, 8 [9-10] pull skeins
#4 Knitting needles            
#4 Steel crochet hook
Dress zipper 10“

7 sts = 1”; 
7 rows = 1” 

1st row:  K 2 tog, k 2, * yo, k 2, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 2; rep from *, end yo, k 2, k 2 tog.

2nd row:  P 3, * yo, p 6; rep from *, end yo p 4.

Rep these 2 rows for patt.

SKIRT [Make 2]: 
Cast on 239 [253-267] sts. 

Work even in patt for 28” or desired length to waist, ending with row 2 [this allows for 2” stretch].

Dec row:  K 3 tog 12 [16-20] times, * k 2 tog, k 3 tog; rep from * 33 [31-29] times, & end k 2 tog; then k 3 tog 12 [16-20] times; 91 [95-99]  sts.  Bind off all sts.

Sew seams, leaving upper left side free for 5”. 

Work 2 rows of sc around lower edge; 3 rows around upper edge & 1 row around side opening.  Block. 

Make a casing for elastic inside waistline.

Cast on 106 [113-120] sts. 

Work in patt.  Inc 1 st each end every ¾” 8 times; 122 [129-136] sts. 

Work even until 8” [8“- 8 ½”] from beg.  Place a marker in center of work.

Inc 1 st each end; then every 1 in 6 times more; 136 [143-150] sts.

Work even until sleeves are 6” [6 ½”-6 ½”] from the marker.

Work across 38 [40-42] sts & sl these sts on holder; bind off center 60 [63-66] sts; work last 38 [40-42] sts. 

Working on one side only, at center edge, bind off 2 sts every other row 5 times; 28 [30-32] sts; at the same time, when sleeve is 7 ¼” [7 ½”-7 ¾”] from marker.

At arm edge, bind off 7 [10-8] sts every other row 4 [3-4] times. 

Attach yarn at center edge & work other side to correspond, reversing shaping.

Work exactly as for back.

Sew underarm & shoulder seams, leaving lower left side free for 5”. 

Work 2 rows of sc around neck & sleeve edges & 1 row around side opening.  Block.

Sew blouse to skirt. 

Run elastic through casing. 

Sew in zipper.



BEG                =  Begin                                 
CONT             =  Continue
DC                  =  Double Crochet               
DEC               =  Decrease
INC                 =  Increase                            
K                     =  Knit
MEAS             =  Measure                            
P                     =  Purl
PATT              =  Pattern                               
PSSO             =  Pass Slip Stitch Over
REM               =  Remain                              
REP                =  Repeat
SC                  =  Single Crochet                 
SL                   =  Slip
ST                   =  Stitch                                  
TOG                =  Together