Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Free Pattern - 1943 Long Knit Snood #1011

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!

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Vintage 1943 Long Knit Snood #1011

This is the kind of snood that you can tuck your semi-shingle or shoulder-length hair into & look as voguish & as chic as it is possible for any young thing to look. 
This one, as you can see, was fashioned from white knitting cotton.  Black would be very effective also.  If you think this scrap of charm would suit you, make it to wear morning, noon, or night!

2 balls Knitting Cotton #4
1 Pair Knitting Needles #7
1 Medium-sized Crochet Hook
Small Length of Elastic

BEG    =          begin/beginning
DC      =          double crochet
K         =          knit
P         =          purl
INC     =          increase
DEC   =          decrease
PATT  =          pattern
REM   =          remain
REP    =          repeat
ST       =          stitch
TOG    =          together
3 in 1  =          k 1, p 1, k 1 into 1 stitch

Uneven stitches:
This is usually caused by putting work down, when only part of a row has been worked.  Remedy—work to the end of the row before laying down.

Joining wool: 
If this is done in the middle of a row it will cause uneven stitches.  Make sure that you join on only at the ends of the rows.  You can save the odd lengths of yarn for sewing up your projects.

Commence at top of crown by casting on 50 sts [k into back of sts].

1ST ROW:  K 1, * p 3 tog, 3 in 1.  Rep from * to last st, k 1.

2ND & 4TH ROWS:  Purl.

3RD ROW:  K 1, * 3 in 1, p 3 tog.  Rep from * to last st, k 1.

These 4 rows form the patt, & are rep throughout.

In the 6th & every following 4th row, inc 1 st beg & end of row until inc to 62 sts.

Cont without shaping for 11 rows.

In next & every following 4th row, inc 1 st each end until inc to 98 sts.

Work 11 rows without shaping.
n next & every alternate row p 2 tog each end until 16 sts rem.  Cast off.

Join edges together at bottom, where sides were decreased, thus mitering corners.

Commence dc at side, about 1” above mitre.

Work all around snood firmly & evenly.

Then work 1 dc into each alternate dc across bottom to 1” above mitre at opposite side.  Fasten off.

Sew elastic at sides, where 2nd shaping commenced, or if desired, 2 lengths of crocheted chain could be made [or ribbon] substituted.

Put on snood & admire how lovely you look.