Saturday, November 17, 2018

Free Pattern - Vintage 1938 Bolero 2-Piece Suit #972

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Vintage 1938 Bolero 2-Piece Suit #972

This charming suit translates well into today’s modern woman’s wardrobe with it’s classically simple lines in the collarless, short sleeved bolero & simple flared skirt.  The filet stitch pattern works up quickly, & may tempt you to create another…perhaps a bright pastel? 

SIZE:  16

Bernat’s Boucle de Laine, #555, navy blue, 15 balls
Steel crochet hook #4
Elastic [for skirt waist]
2 ¾ yds grosgrain ribbon, navy blue
Shoulder pads

3 patts = 1”
5 rows = 1”

NOTE:  No measurements other than Stitch Gauge/Tension were given with the original vintage pattern.

1ST ROW:  Make 1 ch st, * pull long lp about ¼” long, yo, hk & form small lp, insert hk in hole bet long lp & horizontal post just formed above, make sc *, rep bet stars until you have desired number of patts.  Before turning, always pull long lp & complete st.

2ND ROW:  * Insert hk in eye bet long lp & horizontal post right above, make sc, pull long lp, yo, pull small lp, insert hk in hole bet long lp & horizontal post just formed above, & make sc , rep bet * to end of row.

Cont in this manner throughout skirt & bolero.

Starting at bottom, make 180 patts on 1st row.  Join, be careful not to twist.

Work 3” even in patt st.

1ST DEC RND:  Dec 3 patts in rnd at equal distances apart; every 60th patt.  [To dec:  insert hk in eyelet, pull long lp as if to sc, then insert hk in next eyelet & do same thing, then pull yarn thru 3 lps on hk, as if to sc, thus dec 1 patt.]

Rep this dec rnd every inch 16 more times [about 19” up, with 129 patts left].

Rep this dec rnd every 1 ½” 4 times [about 25” up, with 117 patts left].

Rep this dec rnd every ½” 6 times [about 28” up, with 99 patts left].

Rep this dec rnd every ¼” twice [about 28 ½” up, with 93 patts left]; having 1 patt less bet decs each time.

Work ½” even & fasten off.  [Skirt should be 29” long.]

Make inside casing for elastic.

1ST ROW:  Make 45 patts across.

Work 1” even in patt.

NEXT ROW:  Inc 1 patt at both sides of every 6th row 4 times. [To inc—work 2 patts in 1 eyelet, but do not in at edge of work, always work your 1st patt, inc inc in 2nd &, when inc at end of row, inc in 2nd last eyelet, thus giving you neater edges.]

Work 1 ½” even.

* Fasten off 2 patts at beg of row & work to within 2 patts of end of row *.  

Rep bet stars once more.

NEXT ROW:  Start to dec 1 patt at both sides of every 5th row 3 times.

Work 4 ½” even.

* Fasten off 2 patts beg of row & work to within 2 patts of end of row *. 

Rep bet stars once more.

* Fasten off 1 patt  beg of row & work to within 1 patt of end of row *.

Rep bet stars 7 times more [12 patts fastened off for each shoulder].  Fasten off.

Make 12 patts across 1st row.

Work in patt st, shaping as follows:  While working underarm edge even, shape front edge by working 1 row even.

NEXT ROW:  Start inc 2 patts beg next 5 rows at this same edge for rounded corner at front of bolero.

NEXT ROW:  Start inc 1 patt at front edge every other row 4 times [26 patts across].

Then work 3 ¼” even at both edges.

* Fasten off 2 patts beg next row at underarm edge, work to end of row *.

Then work back to armhole side & rep bet stars once more, while working even at front edge.

Start on next row, dec 1 patt at front edge every 10th row 5 times [this takes you all up front of bolero], while working at armhole edge as follows:

Starting on next row [same row as 1st of front edge decs], dec 1 patt at armhole edge every 5th row 3 times, then work 4” even at armhole edge [about 20 rows].

While shaping neckline at front edge as prev indicated, slant shoulder by working:

* Fasten off 2 patts beg next row at armhole edge.

On next row, work to within 2 patts of end of row *.

Rep bet stars once more.

* Fasten off 1 patt beg next row, work to end of row.

On next row, work to within 1 patt of end of row *.

Rep bet stars twice more [14 patts fastened off for shoulder].  Fasten off.

Work to correspond to left front.  [There is no right or wrong side of this patt st.]

Make 27 patts across 1st row.

Work 2” even in patt st.

Starting on next row, inc 1 pzatt at both sides of every 3rd row 7 times.

Work 2” even [about 10 rows.  Sleeve about 7 ½” long.]

* Fasten off 2 patts beg of next row & work to within 2 patts of end of row *.

Rep bet stars once more.

Starting on next row, dec 1 patt at both sides of every 4th row 7 times [19 patts left].  Fasten off.

Work second sleeve to correspond.

After pressing each piece separately, sew seams neatly.

Fit sleeves into armholes, holding extra fullness towards top.

Make 1 row sc around sleeve edges.

Then, using grosgrain ribbon, run 1 end of sewing cotton with small invisible set along both edges of ribbon, & also 1 in center of ribbon.

Then pull 3 threads so as to gather ribbon slightly.

Fold gathered ribbon &, starting at one of underarm seams at bottom of bolero, sew ribbon all around bottom, fronts & neck edges with a small invisible st.

Make 1 row sc around bottom edge of skirt, making 2 sc in each eyelet formed by patt st & 1 sc bet eyelets.

Pad shoulders to suit.


*                                   repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed
* *                                repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or                                      repeat from a given set of instructions
”                                   inch(es)
Alt                              alternate
Approx                      approximately
Beg                             begin/beginning
Bet                             between
Bl                                back loop(s)
Bo                               bobble
Bp                               back post
Bpdc                          back post double crochet
Bpsc                           back post single crochet
Bptr                           back post treble/triple crochet
Ca                               color A
Cb                               color B
Cc                               contrasting color
Ch                               chain stitch
Ch                               refers to chain or space previously
made: e.g                   ch-1 space
ch-sp                          chain space
Cl                               cluster
Cm                              centimeter(s)
Cont                           continue
Dc                               double crochet
Dc2tog                      double crochet 2 stitches together
Dec                             decrease/decreases/decreasing
Dtr/Dtrc                   double treble/triple crochet
fl                                front loop(s)
Foll                            follow/follows/following
Fp                               front post
Fpdc                           front post double crochet
Fpsc                           front post single crochet
Fptr                           front post treble/triple crochet
G                                 gram
Hdc                            half double crochet
Hk                               hook
Inc                               increase/increases/increasing
lp(s)                           loop(s)
M                                 meter(s)
M                                 mesh
Mc                               main color
Meas                          measure
Mm                              millimeter(s)
O                                 over (yarn over)
Oz                               ounce(s)
P                                 picot
Pat(s) or patt           pattern(s)
Pc                               popcorn
Pm                               place marker
Prev                           previous
Rem                            remain/remaining
Rep                             repeat(s)
Rnd(s)                        round(s)
Rs                               right side
Sc                               single crochet
Sc2tog                      single crochet 2 stitches together
Sdc                             short double crochet (half double crochet)
Sk                               skip
Sl st                           slip stitch
Sp(s)                          space(s)
St(s)                           stitch(es)
Tch or t-ch               turning chain
Tbl                              through back loop
Tog                             together
Tr or Trc                  treble/triple crochet
Trtrc                         triple treble/triple crochet
Ws                              wrong side
Yd(s)                          yard(s)
Yo                               yarn over
Yoh                             yarn over hook