Thursday, November 22, 2018

Free Pattern - 1944 Fancy Wrist-Sling Purse #217

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!

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Vintage 1944 Fancy Wrist-Sling Purse #217
Fleisher’s Straw-Twist, or Bucilla Strawkraft [ all rayon ], 5 skeins
1 Pair #3 Knitting Needles
#2 Crochet Hook
Lining Material

15 sts = 2”;     19 rows = 2” [before blocking]

Approximate Size: 
15” x 14 1/2”

BEG    =          Begin                                     
BET    =          Between
CH      =          Chain                                     
HDC   =          Half Double Crochet
K         =          Knit                                         
P         =          Purl
PATT  =          Pattern                                   
REM   =          Remain
REP    =          Repeat                                   
SP       =          Space
TOG    =          Together

Cast on 90 sts for half of bag.

1st row [right side]:  K 2, * p 2, k 2; rep from * to end of row.  Mark sp bet 45th & 46th st & carry marker up center.

2nd row:  P 2, * k 2, p 2; rep from * to end.

3rd row:  K 1, * p 2, k 2; rep from * to within 2 sts of marker, k 4 center sts; ** p 2, k 2; rep from **, end p 2, k 1.

4th row:  P 1, * k 2, p 2; rep from * to within 2 sts of marker, p 4 center sts, ** k 2, p 2; rep from **, end k 2, p 1.

5th row:  Same as 2nd row.

6th row:  Same as 1st row.

7th row:  Same as 4th row.

8th row:  Same as 3rd row.  Rep these 8 rows until 14 ½” from the beg, end with 2nd patt row.

Next row:  K 2 tog, * p 2 tog, k 2 tog; rep from * to end. 

Work ribbing of p 1 st, k 1 st for 1”. 

Bind off as to k & p. 

Make second half in same way. 

Pin out & block to given measurements, being careful not to stretch ribbing.

CROCHET STRAP:  Ch 42, 1 hdc in 3rd st from hook, & in each rem st [40 hdc].

2nd row [wrong side]:  Ch 2, turn, 1 hdc in each st. 

Rep 2nd row 3 times.  Fasten off.  Steam.

FINISHING:  Cut lining ½” wider than bag at lower edges, slanting to about 4” narrower at top. 

Sew lower [cast-on] edges of bag together; sew sides to within 7” of top. 

Sew bound-off edges together at top. 

Work 1 row sc around openings. 

Line bag & strap. 

Insert strap at top of bag & sew short ends together.