Thursday, November 22, 2018

Free Pattern - 1944 Fancy Plaid Envelope Knit Purse #213

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!

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1944 Fancy Plaid Envelope Knit Purse #213

Fleisher’s Straw-Twist, or
Bucilla Strawkraft [ all rayon ], 4 skeins, White
Bucilla Softtwist Embroidery yarn, 1 skein each green [A], red [B], blue [C], & yellow [D]
1 Pair Knitting needles #4

Approximate size:  12 ½” x 8 ½”

2 Patterns [16 sts] = 3”

Entire bag is made using 2 strands.

Cast on 65 sts.

1st row [right side]:  P 1, * k 7, p 1; rep from * to end.

2nd row:  K 1, * p 7, k 1; rep from * to end.

3rd row:  K 1, * p 1, k 5, p 1, k 1; rep from * to end.

4th row:  P 1, * k 1, p 5, k 1, p 1: rep from * to end.

5th row:  K 2, * p 1, k 3; rep from *, end last rep k 2 instead of 3.

6th row:  P 2, * k 1, p 3; rep from *, end last rep p2.

7th row:  K 3, * p 1, k 1, p 1, k 5; rep from *, end last rep k 3.

8th row:  P 3, * k 1, p 1, k 1, p 5; rep from *, end last rep p 3.

9th row:  K 4, * p 1, k 7; rep from *, end last rep k 4.

10th row:  P 4, * k 1, p 7; rep from *, end last rep p4.

11th row:  Same as 7th row.

12th row:  Same as 8th row.

13th row:  Same as 5th row.

14th row:  Same as 6th row.

15th row:  Same as 3rd row.

16th row:  Same as 4th row. 

Rep these 16 rows until work measures 19 ½”, end with 5th pattern row. 

Bind off as to p & k, carrying out pattern. 

Pin out & steam to given measurements.

Beginning at center p st of cast-on row, weave color A under & over sts of diagonal p stripe, working toward side edge of bag, then continue to follow stripe across center of bag to bound-off edge. 

Do not fasten off threads until bag has been blocked. 

Turn, weave back in same p stripe alternating the weaving, working over & under the sts. 

Beginning at the same point as first stripe, work over the corresponding p stripe at opposite side. 

Continue weaving, working colors alternately [see photo].

Spread out & steam bag evenly before fastening off threads. 

Cut double crinoline same size as bag & cut lining ¼” larger than bag on all sides. 

Fold bag with bound-off edge 3 ½” below cast-on edge, matching diamonds. 

Sew side seams. 

Work 1 row sl st across bound-off edge holding in to keep work flat. 

Working from wrong side, work 1 row sl st around 3 sides of flap. 

Line bag.