Saturday, November 10, 2018

Free pattern - 1934 Elegante 3-Piece Coat Set #481

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1934 Elegante 3-Piece Coat Set #481

Quick & easy to knit this charming, three-piece coat set…stylish lines of classic, design of coat, slim skirt, & hat…sophisticated & smart, season-spanning, wardrobe favorite…travel ready & perfect for any occasion!

16 - 20

Minerva Knitting Worsted, white, Skirt 8 balls, Coat 16 balls
Minerva Shetland Floss, white, Hat 2 balls
Minerva Rug Yarn, cream, 1 skein
#4 Circular Needle - 22”                
Pair #4 Straight Needles - 14”
#2 Steel Crochet Hook                   
Darning Needle
2 Coat Buttons                                

6 sts = 1”

With white knitting worsted cast on 143 sts, k 36 rows [18 ribs]. 

Now work in patt as follows:
1ST ROW:  * K 3, p 7, rep from * across row, end k 3.

2ND ROW:  * P 3, k 7, rep from * across row, end p 3.

3RD ROW:  Same as 1st row.

4TH ROW:  P.

5TH ROW:  P 5, k 3, * p 7, k 3, rep from * across row, end p 5.

6TH ROW:  K 5, p 3, * k 7, p 3, rep from * across row, end k 5.

7TH ROW:  Same as 5th row.

8TH ROW:  P.

Rep these 8 rows for entire coat.

Work 3” even, then dec 1 st each side every 1 ½” - 13 times [keep patt straight]. 

Work even until work meas 27” to underarm. 

Bind off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then 1 st at beg of every row [for raglan armhole] until 31 sts rem, bind off for back of neck.

Cast on 86 sts, k 36 rows [18 ribs]. 

Work in patt same as back, start 1st row with p 7, end row k 16 [always k 16 sts at front for turn-back facing]. 

Dec at underarm same as on back. 

Bind off 4 sts & dec for armhole same as back. 

When front meas 35” from start, k 9 sts on facing, sl these sts on st holder, bind off 14 sts. 

Cont to dec at armhole & dec 1 st every other row at neck end 7 times, then work even at neck end until all sts are worked off from shoulder. 

Pick up 9 facing sts, cont to work outside edge straight & dec 1 st at neck end every other row until all sts are worked off.

Work right front to correspond.

Cast on 70 sts, k 36 rows. 

Work in patt, same as back for 1” even, then inc 1 st each side every 10th row 8 times. 

Work even until sleeve meas 17”, bind off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st at beg of every row until all sts are worked off. 

Sew sleeves in place; sew underarm seams.

Cast on 100 sts, k for 4”, bind off. 

Turn back & sew facing; sew collar in place. 

Crochet 2 chains 6” long, fold & attach at neck with 2 buttons.

With circular needle cast on 260 sts, join [be careful not to twist sts], k 1 row. 

Now work in patt as follows:

1ST, 2ND & 3RD ROWS:  * K 3, p 7, rep from * around row.

4TH ROW:  K.

5TH, 6TH & 7TH ROWS:  P 5, * k 3, p 7, rep from * around row, end row, p 2.

8TH ROW:  K.

Rep these 8 rows for 3”.

K plain for 7”.

On next row k every 25th & 26th st tog, k 2” even.

Dec 10 sts in this manner every 2” by having 1 st less bet decs 5 more times, k 3” even.

On next row k every 12th & 13th st tog, k 3” even.

On next row k every 21st & 22nd st tog, k 4” even or desired length, bind off.

Work beading at top for elastic.

With white Shetland floss, ch 3, join in ring.

1ST RND:  6 Sc in ring

2ND RND:  2 Sc in each st [12 sc].

3RD RND:  * 2 Sc in one st, 1 sc in next st, rep from * around.

4TH RND:  * 2 Sc in one st, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts, rep from * around.

Cont to inc in this manner 6 times in each rnd [or enough to keep crown flat] until crown meas 6 ½” in diameter, then work even, 1 sc in each st for 2” or desired depth.

Work 1 row 1 sc in each st, work in top loop only. 

Work 4 rows even, working entire brim over 1 strand of cream rug yarn.

On next row inc 1 st by working 2 sts in every 10th st.

Work 7 rows even, break rug yarn & work 1 row, 1 sl st in each st.


BEG                =  Begin                                 
CH                  =  Chain
CONT             =  Continue                           
DEC               =  Decrease
INC                 =  Increase                            
K                     =  Knit
MEAS             =  Measure                            
P                     =  Purl
PATT              =  Pattern                               
REM               =  Remain
REP                =  Repeat                               
SC                  =  Single Crochet
SL                   =  Slip                         
ST                   =  Stitch
TOG                =  Together                            
YO                  =  Yarn Over