Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Free Pattern - 1939 Fashionable Fish Net Snood #416

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!

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Vintage 1939 Fashionable Fish Net Snood #416

Quick & easy to create, this becoming snood will become a seasonal favorite
& you’ll be a well dressed lady in town or country!

Clark’s ONT
J & P Coats Pearl Cotton, Size 5, 1 ball Main Color [MC]
             & 1 ball Contrasting Color [CC]
#7 Steel Crochet Hook
18 ½”Round Elastic

Starting at tip of Crown, with MC ch 6, join with sl st.

1ST RND:  * Sc in ring, pull loop on hook out 1”, yo & draw thru loop, ch 1 to fasten [a loop st].  Rep from * 12 more times. 

Now make loop st in each loop st around, inc as nec to keep work flat, until piece meas 9 ½” in diameter -- to inc loop st, make 2 loop sts in 1 loop st.

Then work 7 rnds straight.

Overlap ends of elastic ½” & sew securely.

Working over elastic, ch 1 & make 6 sc in 1st loop, & 10 sc in each loop around.  Fasten off. 

Cut 12 strands of CC, each about 2 ½ yds long; twist tightly, then double twisted strands & give them second twist in opposite direction.

Pass Cord in & out of loops along one half of outer rnd of Snood. 

Cut off excess length of Cord & sew ends securely in place.       


BET =             Between                     
CH =               Chain
CC =               Contrast Color           
INC =              Increase
MC =               Main Color                 
MEAS =         Measure
NEC =            Necessary                  
REP =             Repeat
RNDS =          Rounds                       
SC =               Single Crochet
SK =               Skip                            
SL ST =          Slip Stitch
ST =                Stitch                          
YO =                Yarn Over