Sunday, November 4, 2018

Free Pattern - 1960s Baby’s Irish Knit Cable Cardigan #B191

Here is your free pattern...happy crafting!

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1960s Baby’s Irish Knit Cable Cardigan #B191

6 & 12 months. 
Directions are given for size 6 months with size 12 months in brackets.

3 oz, 3-ply baby yarn
1 Pair each #2 and #4 knitting needles
Cable needle                       
5 ½“ Buttons

8 sts = 1”; 
7 rows = 1”

With 32 needles, cast on 141 [161] sts.  Work in ribbing as follows: 

1st row:  * P 1, k 1, rep from * across, end p 1.

2nd row:  [P 1, k 1] twice, p 2, * k 1, p 1, rep from * until 5 sts rem, [p 1, k 1] twice, p 1.

3rd row:  Same as row 1.

4th row:  [Buttonhole row --right front hand]:  P 1, k 1, yo, k 2 tog, p 1, cont in ribbing until last 5 sts, end [p 1, k 1] twice, p 1.  Rep rows 1 & 2 of ribbing for 13 [15] rows.

Change to #4 needles, beg patt as follows:  NOTE:  On 1st & 7th rows of patt, alternate cables will be twisted.

Sl first 4 sts of cable to cable needle, place behind work.  Kb 1 off left-hand needle, p 1, kb 1, place sts from cable needle on left-hand needle, p 1, kb 1, p 1, kb 1.  On 7th row, twist those cables which were not twisted on 1st row.

1st row:  [P 1, k 1] twice, p 3, cab le twist, p 3, * [kb 1, p 1] 3 times, k b 1, p 3, cable twist, p 3, rep from * across, end [k 1, p 1] twice.

2nd row & all even rows:  [P 1, k 1] twice, p 1, k 2, * [pb 1, k 1] 3 times, pb 1, k 1, p 1, k 1, rep from * across until 7 sts rem, end k 2, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 1, p 1.

3rd & 5th rows:  [P 1, k 1] twice, p 3, * [kb 1, p 1] three times, p 3, rep from * across, end [k 1, p 1] twice.

7th row:  Same as row 1, except twist alternate cables.  Cont in patt, twisting alternate cables every 6 rows & spacing buttonholes on right front band every 2” [2 3/8”], until 36 [48] rows have been compl. 

Work row 3 once more. 

Work in row 2 of patt for 39 [43] sts, bind off 3 [5] sts, work patt for 57 [65] sts, bind off 3 [5] sts, work patt for 39 [43] sts.

Work patt across 37 [41] sts, p last 2 tog. 

Work piece straight in patt until 24 [30] rows have been compl from 37th [49th] row. 

Sl first 16 [17] sts at neck edge to holder, compl rest of row in patt. 

Cont to work in patt, bind off 1 st at neck edge every row 4 [5] times, until 6 rows from neck edge have been compl.  Bind off rem 18 [20] sts.

Pick up 57 [65] sts of back, work in patt, bind off 1 st at either side of 1st row only. 

Work rem of back straight for 28 [34] rows. 

Bind off 18 [20] sts at beg of next 2 rows.  Place rem sts on holder.

Work to correspond to right front, reversing shaping.

With #2 needles, cast on 37 [43] sts. 

Work 13 [15] rows in p 1, k 1, ribbing. 

Change to #4 needles, work in patt as follows: 
1st row:  P.

2nd row:  * P 1, k 1, rep from * across, end p 1. 

Cont in patt, inc 1 st each side of sleeve every 10th row 3 times--43 [49] sts. 

Cont working in patt until 36 [48] rows have been compl.

Bind off 2 [3] sts at beg of next 2 rows. 

Bind off rem sts as follows:  P 1, p 2 tog, pass 1st st over p st, rep from * until 2 sts rem, p 2 tog, pass 1st st over last st.  Fasten off.

Sew fronts & back tog at shoulder seams. 

Beg just to left of sts on holder of right front band, pick up 31 [37] sts around neck, incl those sts of back on holder, which should be worked in patt as picked up. 

Work sts on holder for left front in patt.

1st row:  * P 1, k 1, rep from * end p 1.

2nd row:  [P 1, k 1] twice, p 2, * k 1, p 1, rep from * around until 6 sts rem,     end p 2, k 1, p 1, k 1, p 1.

Work buttonhole as before on 4th row of neck ribbing. 

Cont until 7 [9] rows of ribbing have been compl. 

Bind off in ribbing.

Sew on buttons, taking care to match buttonholes. 

Sew seams of sleeves tog, insert in armholes & st on wrong side. 

Sleeves should fit almost exactly to armhole & require very little stretching.